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MRO Acquires MTT Enterprises

MRO Corp, a provider of technology-driven disclosure management services and applications for health care organizations, has acquired the assets of MTT Enterprises, LLC, a provider of release-of-information services. Mariela Twiggs, CEO of MTT, will assume the role of MRO’s executive director of training and education, client relations.

During the transition, existing MTT customers will benefit from MRO’s disclosure management technology and services with no disruptions to access or customer service. MTT clients will additionally benefit immediately from MRO’s Health Information Handler certification and esMD gateway capabilities for electronic submission to CMS and integration with their EHRs. Customers will also be able to leverage MRO’s patient portal offerings to achieve compliance with the 2014 stage 1 and 2 meaningful use “view, download, transmit” objective.

“MRO is a great fit for the MTT customer base,” says Twiggs. “As privacy regulations and health information technology initiatives continued to add complexities to the protected health information disclosure process, it was evident to me that our clients needed access to more sophisticated systems for delivering, tracking, managing, and reporting disclosures. To best serve our clients and excel in today’s landscape of EHRs, health information exchanges, and post-payment audits, we chose to merge with MRO, a proven technology leader in the disclosure management space.”

Source: MRO Corp