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• Best Practice Advice: Implementing RPA in the Revenue Cycle

• Maintaining the Chargemaster

• Seven Critical Factors for a Successful Risk Adjustment Program

• The Complexity of Payer Policy Changes

• Game On

• Denials With a Capital D

• Patient Identification Challenges

• The Complexity of Denials in Today’s Claim Culture

• Risk Adjustment Factor Methodologies

• Does Your Documentation Meet the MEAT Criteria?

• Take a Diligent Approach to Revenue Cycle Automation

Coding Spinal Procedures

• Getting Back to Normal: Planning for RAC Audits

• Internal Audits Help Combat Payer Risk

• Be on the Lookout for New Critical Care Service Policies

• Systematic Coder Audits Help Stem Revenue Leakage

• Hit a CDI Roadblock? Maybe Your Success Metrics Need a Tune-Up

IPPS: What’s New and What’s Ahead

• KPIs Shift With the Times

• CDI Flexibility Key to Value-Based Care Success

OIG Data Brief Causes a Stir

• Health Care’s Telehealth Conundrum

• ‘Reasonable and Necessary’ Gets Redefined

The Future of Prior Authorizations Is Near

The Quest for Clean COVID Claims

• Misconceptions Plague Use of Locum Tenens

• A Look Inside Intelligent Automation Platforms

• Leave No HCC Behind

• Cover the Revenue Cycle From All Corners

• How to Expel Acute Respiratory Failure Denials

• Days of Our Lives — A Dive Inside the Intricacies of the Two-Midnight Rule

• Consistent Financial Processes Key to Multilocation Health Care Practices

• What’s Driving the CDI Resource Crunch? — Alternative Options for Extending Your CDI Team

• Mobile Solutions Tackle Query Concerns

• Leveraging Prebill Audits to Combat Denials

The Untold MPI Story: How ‘Dirty Data’ Affect a Value-Based Revenue Cycle

Diving Deeper Into Denials

• Tackling Coding Challenges at FQHCs

• Rappin’ About RACs

• Address Skill Gaps, Boost Coder Productivity

• Working in Tandem

• Preparing Noncoders for New 2020 Codes

• New Care Delivery Models Mold Health Care’s Future

• Denial Reasons You Never Saw Coming

• Be Mindful of PA Documentation 

• The Value of Investing in Employee Education

Reimbursement Relies on Understanding Payer Contracts

• Finding the Right Coding Vendor

• Through the Cracks

• Anesthesia Coding: Tips to Maintain Accuracy

• All-In for All-Payer CDI

• Tuesday’s Child: A Chat With Chuck Buck

• Key Telehealth Regulatory Issues

• The PDPM: Prepare and Prevail

• Coding Audits Shouldn’t Be Random

TPE Program Sets Sights on Improper Claims

• Big Data Tackles Revenue Cycle Deficiencies

Hitting the Mark on Coder Performance

• How to Report Shared/Split Visits

• Skilled Nursing Facilities Face Payment Changes

Time to Shake Up PEPPER?

• Getting Specific With Unlisted CPT Codes

• CMS Proposal Filled With Questions

• Quality Data Key to New Payment Rule

• HIM's Role in HCCs

• Are Auditors Playing Fair?

• Physician Advisors Command Leading Role in Risk Adjustment

• Why Physician Practices Need Coders

Joint Maneuvers

• Value-Based Payment Model Faces Familiar Barriers

• ROI Vendors Face Confusion Over Fees

• How to Improve the Query Process 

• Conflict in the EMR

Be on the Lookout

• Keep an Eye on KPIs

Best Practices in Coding Audits

Are You Moving the CDI Needle?

Reimbursement Analysis Offers Investment Protection

• Indefatigable RACs Plow Ahead

• The Future of Coding

• Technology's Role in a Fee-for-Value Universe

• A New Line of Defense for Inpatient Claims

• Don't Sleep on Z Codes

• Telehealth: Betting the Minimum or All In?

• Telehealth Coding Nuances

• Digging Deep for Revenue

• A 360° View of Patient Payments

• OIG Takes Notice of ICD-10 DRG Assignments

• Medicare Bundled Payments: Are AMI and CABG Next?

• Integrate Technology With Process Improvement

• Great Lengths, Big Trouble

• At a Disadvantage?

• Six New CDI Challenges to Overcome

• Taking Control of Transparency

• Assemble the Perfect Financial Analytics Team

• Put ICD-10 Nightmares to Bed

• "AFIRM"ative Action

• MACRA, MIPS — Slated to Make an M-pressive Impact

• Mitigate Medical Necessity Denials

• The Here and Now on Present-on-Admission Indicators

• ICD-10 and the Order of Things

• Hospital Care — Are We Getting What We Pay For?

• Automate to Accelerate the Revenue Cycle

• Shootout at the Coding Corral

• Short-Stay DRGs: Fix or Fiasco?

• How to Meet Value-Based Care Demands

• Is the Price Right?

• Rehabilitation Facilities Tackle RA Complexities

• Take the Pain Out of Revenue Cycle Audits

• Pediatric Documentation — It's Not Child's Play 

• Auditors Take Aim at DRGs

• How Important Data Get Lost

The Cost of Doing ROI Business

How to Succeed in a Value-Based World

Twists and Turns in the RAC Program

The Bottom Line on Telehealth

Put a Jolt in Hospital Finances

• The RAC Trifecta of Trouble

• Case Managers Show Their Worth

• Inside the Documentation Pressure Cooker

The Pioneer ACO Program Reaches a Crossroad

• Risk Adjustment Creates Challenges

The Evolution of Telehealth

Should Providers Bother With RAC Appeals?

• 2013 OIG Work Plan: HHS Targets Three Areas

• CDI's Far-Reaching Benefits

The Dating Game

Tips for Penning Appeal Letters

• APR-DRGs in the Medicaid Population

Observation Services— A Keen Coding Eye Is Necessary

RACs Take Aim on Short Stays

• Patient-Centric Initiatives Key to Profitability

CDI Extends Its Reach to Outpatient Settings

MTSOs Look to Keep the Cash Flowing

Partners in High Finance

ACOs Face Quality Measure Challenges

The Nuts and Bolts of IPPS

• ICD-10 Testing Strategies

How to Avoid Leading Queries

DRGs Get Knocked Off Their Throne

Compliance Strategies for the 72-Hour Rule

Make Revenue Cycle Management a Team Effort

Correctly Coding Catheter Infections

The Ins and Outs of Observation Status

• Breaking the ASC Codes

Are Post-Acute Care Transfers a Goldmine for RAC Audits?

More Providers Looking to Implement New RCM Systems

• A Bridge to Better Reimbursement

Time to Fear Medicaid RACs

Winning Strategies for Collecting Patient Payments

Tackling Revenue Disrupters

• Recognizing Excellence in Revenue Cycle Management

HIM's Role in the Revenue Cycle

Say Hello to Medicaid RACs

Jump-Start Your Revenue Cycle

What Have We Learned From RAC Audits?

• Hospitals Scramble to Absorb 2011 IPPS Changes

The Importance of Discharge Summaries

• MAC Attack

PEPPER Reports: A Helpful Financial Condiment

Documentation Programs Boost Bottom Lines

Medicaid Integrity Program Promises New Headaches

Hospitals, Physicians Tackle RACs

Denials Management Strategies

• Happy, Healthy & Wise — Keys to Smooth Practice Management

• Free Up Your Cash Flow With Point-of-Service Payments

The Impact of the New ABN Form

• Coding Checks and Balances

Discharge Codes: Let’s Go Home ... Or Maybe Not

Financial Benchmarking Takes on New Importance

DRGs: Still Frustrating After All These Years

RAC Strategies — It’s Your Move

5010: Transitioning to the New Standards

Enter the Age of Interoperability

Managing the Ebb and Flow of the Emergency Department

Take Documentation Out of the Dark

Process Mapping and the Revenue Cycle

• RAC Appeals: More Than Simple Math

• Real-Time Adjudication

• Maneuvering Your Way Through RAC Audits

• Outta Here — Hit Your Backlogs Hard

• Transparency — A Recipe for Better Patient Care

• Living With Rejection

• Transcription and Revenue Cycle Management

• Tools to Tackle Uncompensated Care

• Building a Better Balance Sheet — Revenue Cycle Analysis Paves the Way

• Dirty Tricks: On the Lookout for Inappropriate DRG Denials

• A Panoramic View of Revenue

• Hospitals and the Next Debt Crisis

• Coding Under Scrutiny  — The Power of Auditing

• What CFOs Should Know Before Hiring a Revenue Cycle Firm

• Paired for Success — Concurrent Coding Programs

• RACs: New Sheriff in Town

• Seeing Green — Streamling the ROI Process Can Turn Headaches Into Revenue

• Price Check: Handling Patient Requests for Cost Estimates