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Apprio to Lead PMO Team for E-Gov Initiative Managed by ONC

Apprio, a provider of specialized technology solutions, particularly for the health, defense, and homeland security markets, recently announced it received the Federal Health Architecture (FHA) Program Management contract. FHA is an e-gov initiative managed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) that is focused on creating alignment among the HIT initiatives at various federal agencies with a HIT mission.

The new contract builds upon Apprio’s existing work with ONC. Under the FHA award, Apprio will help FHA plan and execute the variety of activities necessary for operating a successful e-gov initiative. FHA is responsible for working with 20+ federal agencies, helping them coordinate and collaborate on HIT projects that are best accomplished through the agencies’ working together. This level of collaboration requires a combination of strong program management skills, technical acumen, financial planning, and constant communication.

“Apprio has been working with FHA for many years, collaborating with the program from the outside through our work with federal agencies that participate in FHA,” says Darryl Britt, president of Apprio. “It’s quite an opportunity now to be able to assist FHA from within the program. We have the opportunity to help FHA manage the complex tasks of engaging a wide variety of federal agencies, getting them to work together on joint projects and ensuring that the emerging federal health IT initiatives align with ONC’s vision for the nation at large.”

The Apprio team includes multiple ONC incumbents, including Spire Communications, IRIS Partners, and Accenture Federal Services.

Source: Spire Communications