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Spring 2023

By the Numbers
For The Record
Vol. 35 No. 2 P. 34

A New Orleans woman left a local emergency department with an unexpectedly high bill for the treatment she received. The incident is raising questions about costly care, and a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that this percentage of adults are fearful they will receive an unexpected, costly medical bill.

$468.5 Billion
As more health care providers begin to outsource their noncore business and administrative processes, the health care business process outsourcing market is projected to reach this much by 2026, according to MarketsandMarkets.

Investments in health IT fell to $451 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, down this percentage from 2021.

260 Million
In Inventiva’s list of the top 10 health care IT companies in the United States, Epic Systems, an EMR software company, ranks second, with this many people around the world using its health care solutions.

In the past decade, health care IT interoperability has increased to roughly 96% of hospitals using certified EHRs. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology presented a recommendation list to Congress consisting of this many items regarding how to improve interoperability.

Remote patient monitoring is on the rise thanks to the advancements and availability of this technology. Of a list of 10 specialties with the highest shares of remote patient monitoring procedure claims, internal medicine sits at number one with this percentage of claims.

4 & 5
Outpatient evaluation and management claims can be billed at five levels, which determine a visit’s complexity. The most common level in 2004 was three. In 2021, these two levels made up the largest percentage of emergency department claims, according to RevCycleIntelligence.

Campus Safety, a website dedicated to safety solutions for schools and health care facilities, created a list consisting of this many tips on how to enhance hospital safety and cybersecurity, such as auditing both the physical security protocols and cybersecurity measures.